As a social studies educator, you are responsible for teaching students the content knowledge, discipline specific thinking skills, and civic values that are vital for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy. Our task as the Kansas Council for the Social Studies is to provide leadership, service, and support to make your job easier.

So we've redesigned our site to highlight teacher resources such as lesson plans and web sites, membership details, annual conference information, and updated social studies news / announcements. 

We're looking forward to working with you.

Have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you!

We partner with the Kansas Council for History Education, the Kansas Geographic Alliance, and the Kansas Council for Economic Education to host a spring statewide social studies conference.

We will  be at Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene - find out more here soon!

Kansas Social Studies Conference

Register Now!

Advocacy Toolkit

Today's Social Studies: Creating Effective Citizens

That's what we do, and our task is essential to maintaining an effective democracy. However, not everyone understands this. Working together, we can create greater awareness of the important work each KCSS member does every day.

There's no group better suited to be advocates for the social studies profession nor better equipped to communicate the importance of social studies education than the National Council for the Social Studies, KCSS, and you. 

You have the best understanding of social studies; you are in every corner of the state, and you can reach out to people throughout Kansas.

Use the resources from the NCCS ToolKit to promote social studies education in your district and community. Using this kit, you can influence key audiences locally. A partnership between the national office and local affiliates is the most effective way to deliver our important message.

There are two ways you can help advocate for social studies:

Toolkit Contents:

NCSS Advocacy Resources: